Who is Jamie Acord? Woman Swallowed by Quicksand; Husband & About

Jamie Acord’s relaxing walk on the beach with her husband turned into a shocking incident when she found herself waist-deep in quicksand. This alarming event at Popham Beach State Park in Phippsburg, Maine, has left many beachgoers stunned and concerned.

Who is Jamie Acord?

According to Jamie, the incident happened while she and her husband were walking along Popham Beach State Park in Phippsburg, Maine. “It was like I just dropped into a manhole cover,” she recounted to PEOPLE. “We were walking, chatting, and suddenly, I went into the sand.”

Finding herself trapped, Jamie told her husband, “I can’t get out,” as reported by the Associated Press. “I just dropped like a rock,” she told NBC affiliate WCSH. Thankfully, her husband managed to pull her out, leaving her with only a few scrapes.

“It was a surreal moment. I’ve been to that beach countless times, and this has never happened before,” Jamie explained.

What Was It Like After She Was Pulled Up?

Once her husband rescued her, Jamie turned around to inspect the area, assuming she had fallen into a hole. To her surprise, the spot looked just like the rest of the beach.

After changing out of her sand-covered clothes, Jamie posted about her experience on social media to warn others, especially those who visit the beach alone during off-hours. “If the beach is nearly empty, and you fall into something like that, it can be really scary,” she said.

What Have the Experts Said?

Jim Britt, a spokesperson for the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry, clarified that Jamie’s experience isn’t something out of a Hollywood movie.

“The reality with this supersaturated sand is that you’re not going to sink completely,” Britt explained, attributing the phenomenon to climate change. “The sand is saturated with water, making it unstable and easy to sink into.”

Despite the danger, Britt assured that it’s a “100 percent survivable scenario” if one stays calm. “The key is to remain calm, lean back, and find your way out,” he advised.

Jamie Acord Quick Facts

In the Headlines Because Woman swallowed by quicksand
Where Did the Incident Take Place Popham Beach State Park in Phippsburg, Maine
Reason as per Experts Climate change leading to water-saturated sand

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